Terrible clipart gravestone with the words "Comic Sans, 2021-2023, It was supposed to be a joke..." written in Comic Sans

RIP Comic Sans

You’re probably reading this wondering what on earth is going on at Why Choose?

Back in the beginning, when Charlie and I created Why Choose? as a joke, while we were still deciding on our look and branding, someone (Serenity) had the brightest of ideas to use Comic Sans at the site’s font. And someone (Charlie) decided that was a brilliant idea, and did just that.

We laughed.

A lot.

For the first two weeks, long before we went live, everything was written in Comic Sans and it looked AWFUL!

Unfortunately, that decision has haunted us until this week!

I’m trying to find a place to rent in Delulu land and convince myself that none of you noticed the lingering traces of the font. That, when you loaded the home page, for the briefest of seconds, you didn’t see the menu bar flash to Comic Sans…

We’ve spent all this time trying to find where in this site the font was hiding, but Comic Sans was pulling a Where’s Wally? (or Where’s Waldo?).

However, last night, something in Charlie must have snapped because he went checking the code to see where that font was clinging on.

Today, I can report, Comic Sans has gone.

Honestly, in the grand scheme of the site and everything we’ve built—and have yet to—this is small. But for us, it really is a victory, and I’m celebrating!

Happy Wednesday!


PS. No, I didn’t toy with the idea of posting this in Comic Sans at all…


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