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Meet Scarlett Philips

Scarlett Philips writes Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance novels. She read her first RH book 4 years ago and hasn’t been able to put them down since. It was while reading one such novel that she got the idea to write her own, and thus Returning to Everton was born. She loves the paranormal and all things magic. She enjoys writing stories that are relatable but also let you escape into a fantasy world. When she’s not writing she’s spending time with her family, driving kids to and from school, and therapies. It’s a busy life, but she wouldn’t change it for the world. Scarlett loves getting messages from her readers.

What was the last book you really got into?

Since I started writing I don’t have a lot of time to read 🙁 I can’t read while I’m writing or I’ll start to incorporate things from the book in the one I’m writing, and I don’t want my books to be too similar to others. It just feels like I’m copying and that’s never my intention. So I take reading breaks between books. I really like the Shifting Society Series by Harper Frey (Sterling Thomas) and J Kearston. You should totally check them out. 😉

If there was an Olympics for everyday activities, what activity would you have a good chance at winning a medal in?

Procrastination? Like for real, gold medalist right here. Doesn’t matter what it is, I will put it off until the last possible moment… sometimes past that moment. lol

Of all of your books, which was your favourite to write?

Besides my very first book, Returning to Everton, because the first is always special, I loved writing Not Again with Iris James. It was just so fun and easy. We were always on the same wavelength. It was probably the easiest book to write too because we could bounce ideas off each other and we just had a lot of fun.

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

Currently 3

How do you select the names of your characters?

Different ways. In my first book, I used my kids’ names. Mostly I use a random name generator or ask my readers. I hate naming things so if you’re in my reader’s group you will see me ask for names A LOT. I just searched my group and found at least 7 instances of me asking them to name someone/something.

How many books have you written?

5 including a co-write

If you’re planning a sequel / a new series, can you share a tiny bit about your plans for it?

Oh, I have so many ideas and books in the works. My series, Madelyne Danica, wasn’t the original idea. I had gotten halfway through the book and just said you know what this isn’t what this book is supposed to be. It just went in a completely different direction, so I started over like a month before it was due to release. I saved the original book and it’s going to be its own series… one of these days. 

Would you and your main character get along?

All of my FMCs have bits of me in them lol So I would say yes, we would all get along.

Do you prefer ebooks, printed books, or audiobooks most of the time?

Mostly ebooks because I’m very visual. I love audiobooks but again being so visual, I like to read the ebook as I listen to the audio.

What do you hope readers will take away from your stories?

That you’re worth it. You deserve to do things that make you happy. Sometimes that means taking a step out of your comfort zone, and that’s ok. Your real friends will be there for you no matter what. You have people in your corner. People that want to see you happy. Don’t worry so much about people/things that don’t really matter. Do what makes you happy… with few exceptions… you know like rape and murder… those are bad. 


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