Understanding Tags and Trigger Warnings

We’re reaching nearly 10,000 books on Why Choose? but did you know that as we’ve been adding them, we’ve been trying to tag them to make your searching as easy as possible?

When adding books, we’ve relied on either guessing from the blurbs (where there are blurbs), or from when the admins or mods have read them. Which means, although we’ve tried, we may have either missed some or put the wrong tags on.

If you’ve read the book and you think there’s a tag missing, please do help us out by suggesting tags. We’ve got nearly 350 tags including triggers and kinks.

Trigger Warnings

At Why Choose? we know that some readers need Trigger Warnings. That’s why we give you two options (editable in your profile) to make searching safer for you. Hard Triggers mean that any book with something you cannot read will not show up on the site for you, provided you’re logged in. Soft Triggers are for those who can read books with certain triggers provided you’re in the right frame of mind. These will give you a warning bar at the top of the book page for you.

If you see a book which is missing a Trigger Warning, please do let us know. We want to make reading as enjoyable experience for everyone as possible.

Searching Tags

There are now two ways to search a tag. If you’re on a book page, you can click on the tag and it will show you all the books listed with that tag.

Alternatively, you can visit our amazing search page and filter down even more – putting in what you do and don’t want. Please note, this is an ‘AND’ search – you want vampires AND werewolves.

When it comes to searching by Triggers, these are not listed in the search option. We understand that there are occasionally topics that have overlap, such that some may find it a trigger and others may find it a kink. To keep it simple in these situations the books are tagged with both the “Trigger” and “Kink” tags. Kidnapping is one of these examples.

And of course, if you set your profile to exclude a certain trigger, you won’t have books with those Kinks appearing in your searches!

If you want to see our full list of tags, you can visit:






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