Slasher Heart – an extract

Have you read Holly Bloom’s Slasher Heart yet?

Slasher Heart is the second book in the Lapland Underground series.

I faltered as his grey piercing eyes ran over my curves. I looked at West, whose expression remained as dark and unreadable as ever. Then Rocky, who balled his hands into fists on the table.

All three of them were criminals. They’d all done twisted and terrible things. Their damaged pasts had brought them together, and they formed a bond deeper than blood. They were a family. Brothers. They were also all devastatingly panty-meltingly gorgeous.

How could anyone choose between them?  

First, there was Zander. The leader with no limits. If you went against him, you’d be dead. No questions asked. Zander had a ruthless efficiency and vicious streak that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. He had the money, power and connections to get whatever he wanted no matter the cost. While he got off on power, more depth hid beneath his angular jawline. Zander was a fierce protector and didn’t trust easily. He’d gut anyone who crossed his family and if you were in, he’d never let you go…

Then there was West. The giant who could rip your legs off with his bare hands. When West saw red, violence was the only language he could understand. He was a powerhouse of brute force and would do whatever needed to be done for those he cared about. Underneath his thick biceps, West had a softer side too. As much as he liked to make out he was a monster, the big, scary beast protected an inner teddy bear. Even if he was too scared to show it or admit how he felt…

Finally, Rocky. The only person I’d ever truly loved who betrayed me in the worst way. Gang life and Redlake had changed him. Over the years, he’d seen and done things no one should ever have to do. This is not the life he’d have chosen for himself and he hated himself for it. His anger at the world made him an unpredictable loose cannon who could explode at any moment, but I still caught glimpses of the funny laid-back guy I fell for as a teenager. Would it be possible for him to find his way back, or was he too broken to fix?

“Tell us who you want to fuck, Candy,” Zander repeated.

Why the fuck hadn’t I chosen dare? 







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